These are the projects I did during my sixth semester.
- Worked on labs based on databases and query handling using SQL and Psycopg in Python
- Implemented a course registration portal using PostgreSQL, ReactJS and Node
- Utilised Spark and Kafka for Big Data and Data Streaming for IMDB movies database
- Analyzed Postgres query handling internals and SQL query planning and costs
- Designed a LinkedIn clone using PostgreSQL, Express, ReactJS and NodeJS with CSS styling
- Implemented functionality for connections, jobs, profiles, post feed and chat messaging
- Evaluated and fine-tuned CRDNN model on HVB dataset and trained a sentiment-detection model
- Trained LLMs including M5, M11 and LSTM-based RNN using MFCC features on Speech Commands dataset
- Developed a layer 2 decentralized application in Solidity on top of Blockchain
- Created a joint-accounts transfer network and simulated balances across nodes
P2P Crypto Network with Attacks
- Extended the Cryptocurrency network simulator by adding malicious miners along with honest
- Implemented selfish and stubborn modes of adversarial behaviour and analyzed block trees
- Build a P2P Cryptocurrency simulator using peers, transactions and blocks along with probabilistic parameters
- Simulated transactions in the network by modeling latencies and handling proof-of-work
Audio-Visual Instance Discrimination
- Evaluated the AVID-CMA model using HMDB-51 dataset and modified evaluation parameters
- Analyzed stock indices data in a toy dataset using clustering and predicted the composition of indices
Inter-IIT Tech: Route Planning Optimisation
- Worked on Reinforcement Learning based approach to solve the vehicle routing problem