

In this project we implemented a P2P network for searching and downloading files. The overview is as follows:

There is a network of clients which are interconnected with each other based on a specified topology. A client is provided with the following information as arguments. Note the same client code can be run multiple times with different arguments to mimic different clients.

  • A directory path: this is specific to this client. The client is the owner of all files present in that directory. Another client may be searching for these files to download.
  • A path to a configuration file. See sample file contents below.

Each of the n clients upon initialization process their arguments; setup connections with immediate neighbors and print relevant output (see details below).

After this, each client searches for certain files as specified in the configuration file. It can search only upto a specified depth d. For example d = 2 means, it will search clients upto 2 hops away from it.

If a file is found at another client, it sets up a separate TCP connection (if not already present) with that client and receives the file. After reception, this connection is closed. File search happens only via the initial connections specified.

Sample configuration file contents:

  • Client ID and port on which it is ready to listen for incoming connections.
  • A list of immediate neighbors and the ports they are listening on. The client has direct connections with these neighbors for search purposes.
  • A list of files which the client searches for in the network. These files the client does not possess originally, hence it wants to search and finally download them. The downloaded files are stored in the above mentioned directory path under a folder “Downloaded”. These files are NOT made available to others who are searching, since this client is not the owner.


Hastyn Doshi

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