These are the projects I did during my fifth semester.
Python Library for DSA, ML and RL
- Deployed a Python library for implementation of several data structures and associated algorithms
- Included various classes of machine learning models and reinforcement learning algorithms
- Built an automated attendance system using deep learning techniques and face recognition
- Trained the embedding model using triplet loss and achieved 75% accuracy in validation
- Developed MDP planner using Value Iteration, Howard’s Policy Iteration and Linear Programming
- Utilised a pipeline of encoder, planner and decoder to predict outcome of a last-over cricket game
- Simulated regret minimization of multi-armed bandits using UCB, KL-UCB and Thompson Sampling
- Extended the implementation to batched sampling and restricted non-infinite horizon variates
- Simulated a graphics-based parking lot escape problem using Python API of gym and a base simulator
- Implemented destination chasing algorithm along with maneuvering to evade puddles in the area