

The Game:

The city is an 8 × 8 grid, a Fugitive runs amok. In a single turn, the Fugitive can move like a chess Queen: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Upto k (say, 5, but that’s easily winning for a smart Fugitive. You can tweak this) Detectives attempt to catch the Fugitive. Detectives move like chess Rooks: horizontally, or vertically. In this game, Players don’t block each others’ paths.

The Detectives win if one of them lands on the same square as the Fugitive, or if the Fugitive quits the game.

The Detectives lose if none of them can catch the Fugitive within N (say, 25; again, you can tweak this) timesteps.

The Fugitive can see everyone, but is mostly invisible to the Detectives: the Fugitive only surfaces when 3 mod 5 timesteps have passed, i.e. at timesteps, 3, 8, … , 23, and finally 25, when the game is over.

Rest of the details can be read here.


Parshant Arora

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