Summer 2023

Quantitative Strategist Intern - Quadeye
Guide: Vipul Agarwal

  • Explored option theory to understand the applications of greeks in stocks and derivative markets
  • Implemented the Black Scholes model in C++ with low-latency (700µs for 200+ strikes per time snapshot) for computing option premium and implied volatility (IV) using Newton-Raphson method
  • Designed 2 final strategies based on cubic splines with 3-7 knots and implied volatility surfaces

Winter 2022

Machine Learning Intern - Prodigal SoftTech
Guide: Atul Kumar

  • Compared ROUGE scores of several models such as PEGASUS, BART, T5 for text summarization
  • Analysed plasticity of BART-large model by fine-tuning on a 5% tweaked SAMSum Corpus subset

Summer 2022

Language Modeling Intern - International Workplace
Guide: Sheruan Bashar

  • Used pandas in Python to analyse and group 1300+ content titles mapped to multiple objectives
  • Implemented prefix matching and a probability function with 3 variables to predict outcomes
  • Deployed language model mapping newsfeed to learning outcomes as a web API using Azure ML

Winter 2021

Software Developer Intern - GreatFour Systems
Guide: Sai Kumar Attivilli

  • Utilised Python API for OpenCV and MTM in image resizing and multi-scale template matching
  • Made multiple algorithmic enhancements to improve template to destination matching speed by 60%
